Relationship & Understanding
Our two most essential values.
Advanced Power Electronics UPS
Systems and Roof Top Solar Solutions

Our values

ProstarM is a value-driven business, built around two essential human needs: understanding and relationships. In order to provide the best possible product, any business must first build a deep understanding of the client’s challenges and requirements. At ProstarM, we like to take this notion even further.

The story does not end with a sale made today. While understanding and fulfilling the needs of the customer in present times, ProstarM is contentiously building an estimate of what power-backup needs could arise for businesses in the future.
Driven by this approach of looking towards the future, ProstarM has built a resource-bank to help improve our technology.

Our business is also about building a long relationship with the customer. We are aware that small factors such as the speed of our response, the conduct of our service engineers on site etc. shape our relationship with the customer. Thus, we pay close attention to these details in every transaction.


We are continuously making efforts to understand the power needs that could arise in future and steer research accordingly to provide clean, reliable, uninterrupted power solutions to a growing India.


We are aware of our carbon footprint, and we make sure that appropriate measures are taken to reduce the same. Anticipating the need for clean energy, we have also launched a number of power backup products that run on renewable energy.


Through friendly approach in business transactions and prompt response to calls for support, we emphasize on building a long and trustworthy relationship with the customer.


Our well-equipped R&D facility is always focused on improving the technology we offer our customers.

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